
[ 英國 | 倫敦 ] 歐元換英鎊,怎樣才划算? Euro to pound


短暫敘述一下我的狀況,有歐元現金、德國 sparkasse 銀行戶頭跟 debit card。

I've been to London for more than five times. Still, I am troubled by the fluctuating exchange rate. It is, actually, just a short experience-sharing about exchanging euro to pound. 

  1. 機場ATM或櫃檯
  2. 本地銀行換(我而已就是sparkasse)
  3. 直接刷卡
  4. 倫敦ATM直接提領

There are four ways that I used to exchange surrempncy, including both in Germany and UK.
  1. ATM at airports
  2. Local banks 
  3. Pay by card
  4. ATM in UK
Basically, it is sorted by the exchange rate of euro to pound from low to high.  

第一種 機場ATM或櫃台 | 推薦指數 €
06/May/16, 我在London stansted (STN) ATM用德國銀行卡提領的匯率是1.45。當天,在monument street上的貨幣兌換店匯率是1.29。
如果這樣還看不出差多少的話,舉個例來說:想換200£,在機場需要花200£*1.45=290€。但如果拿這290€到市區的貨幣兌換店,可以換224.8£,瞬間就可以多吃一餐龍蝦!(burger&lobster 一份20£不加服務費)

1. ATM at airports | recommend €
On 06/05/16, the exchange rate of pound to euro was 1.45 at London stansted airport (STN). One the same day, the exchange rate at a currency exchange store in the center of London (around monument street) was 1.29
It is a really huge difference! Let's suppose that I need 200£ for the whole trip. I would have to pay 290€ if I exchange the money at the airport. However, if it's at the currency exchange store, I would have 224.8£ with the same amount of euro. The difference of 24.8£ is roughly equals to the price for one supper at burger & lobster.

第二種 本地銀行換 | 推薦指數 €€€
Jan/16, 我在德國sparkasse Aachen銀行直接歐元兌換英鎊,匯率是1.333,但當天google查詢的平均是1.282。

2. Local banks | recommend €€€
In January of 2016, I exchanged currency at Sparkasse Aachen, where the rate was 1.33. However, the exchange rate Google showed was 1.282, which is way more better compared to Sparkasse Aachen. 

第三種 直接刷卡 | 推薦指數 €€€€€
而且還有一個 bonus 就是,英國的花費很難記在帳簿上,因為輸入時還要考慮到轉換匯率。但刷卡的好處就是,回德國刷帳簿的時候,會同時顯示英鎊跟歐元,就可以輕鬆用歐元記帳了!

3. Pay by card directly | recommend €€€€€
If you pay by card in England, the fair is better than the second way even when it costs you transfer fee. However, you cannot know the exchange rate at the moment you pay the bill.

第四種 英國ATM提領 | 推薦指數 €€€€€
雖然英國ATM提領的匯率最划算,但因為很多ATM無法當場顯示提領匯率多少,就比較不推薦了。像這次去英國,因為在機場ATM提領英鎊損失很多,我怒想看看倫敦ATM,就在市區提領了一百磅。匯率是 0.7845,但因為還要加上手續費五歐,所以匯率最後是 0.75488。但假設今天我提領300磅,匯率則是0.77487。

4. ATM in UK | recommend €€€€€
It's the best way I would say. I withdrew 100 pounds in the center of London in May of 2016. The rate was 0.7845 from euro to pound. Though it costs me 5 pounds transfer fee, the final rate is still high if I took 300 pounds at one time!

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